
Published on 07.06.2021

2 min read

Middle School
Life and earth sciences

Learn how to read the colored bars that appear on lots of home appliances and cars to save money and reduce your .


Have you ever seen a label like this before? 

You can find them in stores or on online retailers, on televisions, refrigerators, washing machines as well as on light bulbs*. 
*From September 1, 2021 in Europe. 

They are also used for some buildings and cars. They allow you to compare goods before buying, focusing mainly on energy performance.

How do you read a dishwasher label, for example? 
  • The colored bars indicate different classes. 
  • “A” means the most energy efficient. 
  • Here, you can see its consumption for 20 wash cycles. 
  • Here, its water consumption for a certain number of washes. 
  • And here, its noise level in decibels. 
For buildings, there are two different types of eco-labels. 
  • Energy labels, which provide buildings’ level of energy consumption. 
  • Climate labels, which state their greenhouse gas emissions. 
For cars, there is one single eco-label. 

In particular, it indicates their average consumption in different situations. And their emissions. 

For consumers, there are two main potential benefits:
  1. Save money because their goods use less energy.
  2. Reduce their environmental impact. 

Did you know that labels like this have been around for over 20 years? They are regularly updated to keep up with technological advances in energy performance. 

*Source: ADEM

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