SDG 7: better access to energy
2 min read
SDG 7 aims at reliable, sustainable, and affordable energy.
Energy-Related Goals.
7- Affordable and clean energy.
This goal aims to make energy more affordable, reliable and sustainable.
Affordable because: 1 in 10 people worldwide don’t have access to .
Source: U.N.So we need to continue working toward electrification, particularly in isolated rural areas.
Reliable because: 3 billion people cook at home with ill-adapted appliances that use wood or .
Source: U.N.The resulting toxic fumes pollute the inside air and put people in danger. Solution: reduce fumes thanks to devices that use much less wood or coal.
Sustainable because: Energy represents around 60% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Source: U.N.This means it is vital to increase the use of renewables, sourcing energy from water, wind, the Sun and waste.
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