Teaching resources in English!

Published on 02.18.2025

10 min read

Middle School High School

In middle and high school, education for (ESD) and the are taught across the curriculum and, as crucial concepts in the world today, they must also be covered in English classes. Planète Énergies provides a range of free, entertaining teaching resources to incorporate in their lesson plans. Let’s go!

Education for Sustainable Development in English class

The modern languages curriculum in secondary school is designed to cover societal topics in the language being taught. Sustainable development is a particularly topical subject for this purpose and attracts students’ attention as they feel particularly concerned about it at that age. But it’s not always easy to find resources in English on the subject, so Planète Energies has created an entire range for teachers to use.

Teaching resources in English, available for your English lessons

  • Videos and articles in English: Videos are shown in class, or students are asked to watch them at home, as they are available in unrestricted access. After that, the vocabulary can be worked on with students, or a debate suggested on the topic (see below). If you prefer written media, all the articles on Planète Energies website are also available in English! They can be used in a test...
    👉 For example: The Energy Road Trip or Energy in All Its Forms


  • Energy quizzes: these are more entertaining and enable students to acquire both interesting vocabulary and some of the ideas covered in other subjects (e.g. At middle school, in physics & chemistry, biology and geography). They can be the basis for an inter-disciplinary project. Here again, the quiz can be either shown in class, be done at home or in the LRC. Once students have completed the quiz individually, they do it again as a class and work on understanding the questions. 
    👉 Select your quiz!


  • Energy board game: for 6th grade students - or just before the school vacation for 8th-graders for a fun, relaxed way to spend the last English class! Groups of four students play the energy board game - in English, of course. You can also ask them to speak to each other in English, to make the game a little more difficult. 
    👉 Let's play together!


  • The energy guide: available in the “teachers” space for download, or you can order it to receive it directly at your school. It is designed for 8th-graders and covers all types of energy through 20 pages of articles and games. Created in partnership with Mon Quotidien (Editions PlayBac). For example, you can use an article and one or more quizzes to create an educational project for the school term.
    👉 Log in to order your free Energy Guides!

Ideas for using teaching resources in English class

  1. Work on reading comprehension and the specific vocabulary in the resources used in class (quiz, energy guide, videos, etc.)
    👉 Print your energy poster!


  2. Ask students questions on or energies to build collective knowledge on the topic.
    👉 You can start with the “Sustainable Development Goals”


  3. Start a debate on the topic of energies by starting, for example with how to save energy - no act is too small if millions of us do them.
    👉 Let's challenge your Eco-Friendly Electricity Habits!


  4. Suggest that students create presentations in English on the different energies, in small groups: wind, solar, oil, coal, nuclear and ask them to present the advantages and disadvantages of each energy type.


  5. Focus on the energy issue in an English-speaking country. 
    👉 For example: United Kingdom


  6. Suggest working on an inter-disciplinary project with colleagues on the energy transition and sustainable development, linking geography, art, mathematics, biology, and English, such as creating a newspaper with articles in English, or a video with English subtitles.


  7. Ask students to create an advert with a slogan and explanatory text in English on climate change or energy-saving habits. Present the students’ work in the classroom, in the corridors, in the hall or the school LRC.


  8. Use the resources to run a flipped classroom. Students look at the resources at home or in the LRC and the work is then done in class. 


  9. Invent a new quiz using the knowledge acquired from the videos.

    👉 The Energy Road Trip or Energy in All Its Forms


  10. Play an energy memory game in English. 
    👉 How Well Do You Know Energy?


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