All About Ocean Energy & hydraulic: Ages 15-18

Published on 02.26.2021

15 min read

High School
STEM Science and technology of industry and sustainable development

Since Antiquity, hydropower has been harvested from river currents and waterfalls. Today, there is growing interest in ocean energy, not just from the force of water (tides, currents, waves), but also from the of wind ( turbines). More complex technologies also exist that exploit the potential of ocean temperature differences, seawater properties and algae . Capturing the energy in oceans is a difficult process that involves a wide range of technologies and professions. Here is an overview of the different “blue energies”.


The Different Forms of Ocean Energy

How It Works: Ocean Energy

Wind, waves, currents and tides are powerful forces that agitate the seas and oceans, which make up 70% of the Earth’s surface. They contain vast renewable energy potential. Here is an overview of the current technologies.

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Centrale eolienne offshore article

The Current Status of Ocean Energy: Offshore Wind Blowing Strong

Oceans contain nearly 1.5 billion cubic kilometers of constantly moving water. That in itself gives a sense of the sheer power of the seas and the large amount of energy that can potentially be extracted. While ocean energy holds great promise, the technological challenges for harvesting it are daunting.

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Ocean Energy

Find out all about the “blue energy” that can be harnessed from the ocean and moving water, such as tides, waves and currents, as well as from ocean temperature differences.

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