What Is a Hyperloop?

Updated on 02.20.2024

3 min read

Middle School

Find out more about the futuristic train being developed that could travel silently at speeds of over 1,000 kilometers an hour, emitting much less pollution than a plane.

What is a Hyperloop?

A Hyperloop is a futuristic train project unveiled by U.S.-based businessman Elon Musk. 

Its aim? Travel very long distances faster than an airplane while being quieter and less polluting. 

How would a Hyperloop work? 

Passengers would be seated in capsules. Diameter: 2.7m / Length: 32m 

These capsules would be propelled through huge, low-pressure tubes by a magnetic field generated by induction motors placed at regular intervals. High-pressure air would be inserted between the walls of the tube and the capsule to form an air cushion, allowing the capsule to move free of friction. 

The 3 main advantages of Hyperloop: 
  1. Speed 
    Because of the lack of friction, capsules could travel at between 1,000 and 1,200 km/h. 3 to 4 times faster than a high-speed train. Making it possible to cross the entire United States from east to west in just 4 hours. 
  2. Silence 
    The tube structure would absorb the noise = little noise pollution unlike with trains and planes. 
    Hyperloop systems could emit significantly less pollution than planes. Potentially making them a cleaner mode of transportation. 

The challenge? 

Creating a dedicated tube network when aircraft do not need any such physical infrastructure. 

How far along is the project? 

A number of companies are currently working on developing Hyperloops all over the world. And real-life tests have already taken place with 40 passengers.

View more videos here


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